Digital Solutions at STUDER, SCHAUDT, MIKROSA

Is Industry 4.0 just a vision? Not with the UNITED GRINDING Group. There the fourth industrial revolution is lived in concrete terms. But how does United Grinding connect machines and their assemblies with their environment?

The production halls of the UNITED GRINDING Group are becoming increasingly digitalized. The objectives of the “smart factory” are the elimination of unplanned machine downtime and the optimal use of resources. STUDER, SCHAUDT and MIKROSA tackle the issue together with the United Grinding Group AG (UGG). Specifically, it’s about three products:

  • Production Monitor
  • Remote service
  • Service Monitor

Production Monitor

The Production Monitor is a reliable 24/7 monitoring service. The customer has always and everywhere the overview of his machine park. Running times, non-productive times and disruption times are available in real time. This data allows you to optimize production in terms of utilization and availability, thus supporting the production managers, planners and production staff. What is the goal of the Production Monitor? “Today, a suitable tool is often missing to visualize the utilization of the machine. The Production Monitor offers just that transparency, “explains Daniel Renfer, project manager at STUDER. This practical tool can be displayed on different interfaces, for example on an app or on a web browser. Another advantage: On the Production Monitor the customer can configure the machine park based on  his needs. Everything is possible, from detailed information of an individual machine to the complete overview of the entire plant.

Remote service

Fast support is essential for customers. That’s why UGG offers the “Remote Service”. This also enables a fast and qualified service during operation of the machine. How does this work? At the push of a button, a ticket is opened and sent in a few steps to STUDER, SCHAUDT or MIKROSA. The completion of the ticket helps to limit the criteria and therefore helps give their service specialists a fast overview of the service case. It goes without saying that all tickets and service cases are documented in a logbook. Direct access to the machine is only possible if explicitly permitted by the customer. If this connection is established, the Conference Centre can communicate, exchange data or directly interface with the machine control. With the Remote Service customers get fast, structured and uncomplicated support.


More information

On STUDER’s official website.


  • The next industrial revolution – Industry 4.0
  • STUDER SCHAUDT MIKROSA Press Conference 2016
  • The Global Search for Education: Yes They’re Ready to Teach in the Fourth Industrial Revolution!
  • ABB at WEF: leading in times of digital revolution
  • The Digitally Connected Factory