You can never have enough of a good thing

CAM software developer seeks to appoint international reseller partners.

“We’re doing really rather nicely here at SmartCAMcnc, thank you very much. Sales of the unique SmartCAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software are going well. But you can never have enough of a good thing” says SmartCAMcnc international business manager Terry Antrobus.

We have always relied upon the professional capability and activity of our reseller sales partners for international sales and support. Nothing has changed, a reseller sales model continues to apply outside of the US.

The difficult part, Antrobus says, is in finding and identifying the skilled and motivated individuals or companies who make suitable partners.

Selling any CAM Software is a highly technical business. CAM suppliers don’t sell boxed software that they ship and forget. Our customers expect and certainly require high standards of effective, professional support from their supplier. CAM system suppliers need to understand machining and machinists, have a thorough understanding of CNC and the various CNC applications, and be able to sell. They’d be a little bit like me: I couldn’t sell real estate or cars, but I can sell technical CAM software using technical rather than out-and-out sales skills. Our reseller partners have a remarkable understanding of all things CNC and CAM.

We know that there are very skilled potential suppliers out there in the big wide world, just that we don’t yet know about each other.” continues Antrobus.

We have opportunities for additional partners in many key regions, but want to stay focused on selected territories for the time being. We seek additional partners throughout Europe: in the UK, Germany, Belgium / The Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy and Eastern European territories. And we’d like to create increased activity in Denmark, Norway, Finland. Last but not least, we want to grow business in India, where we would like to appoint new partners in the Northern, Central and Eastern regions of the country.

That list is by no means exhaustive. If you are keen and highly capable of selling SmartCAM, don’t let the fact that we don’t mention your country deter you from making contact to discuss opportunities in your region. We’d always welcome contact from you.

To find out if there are opportunities in your region and to begin to learn about life and business as a SmartCAM reseller partner, email Terry at . Your contact will be held in confidence as necessary.


More information:

On SmartCAMcnc’s official website.


Tags:CAM software CAM system CNC applications SmartCAM reseller partner SmartCAMcnc