Optimised for the high-precision manufacture of thin-walled components and equipped with the latest software solutions, the new LASERTEC 12 SLM from DMG MORI extends the Group’s machine portfolio in powder bed processes.
Optimised for the high-precision manufacture of thin-walled components and equipped with the latest software solutions, the new LASERTEC 12 SLM from DMG MORI extends the Group’s machine portfolio in powder bed processes.
DMG MORI extends its portfolio of universal turning centres adding the CLX 450 with a longer turning length and sets a focus on automation solutions from a single source.
The DMC V series has impressed for many years in vertical machining with a sturdy machine design, an innovative cooling concept and a modular design providing solutions for precision machining and heavy-duty cutting. DMG MORI has implemented and further improved these advantages for the DMC 1850 V as well.
Automated machines are crucial components of a digital factory and are therefore an integral part of Industry 4.0. DMG MORI is the pioneer of digitalisation in machine tool construction, and considers automation to be a core topic. One in four new machines from DMG MORI is already provided with an automation solution. In future every machine shall be fitted with automation on the basis of a modular system.
Today’s 116th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT welcomed approx. 450 shareholders. Thus some 88%of the share capital wererepresented. The shareholders votedwith a clear majority to adopt the resolutions proposed by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. The Executive Board and Supervisory Board were approved for financial year 2017 by a large majority. Subsequently, the Supervisory Board today voted Dr. Eng. Masahiko Mori as itschairman. He succeeds Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Klinkner, who retiresfrom the board on the bestterms.
The First Quality strategy enables DMG MORI to guarantee high reliability and long service life for its products as well as trouble-free processes.
As part of their digitalisation strategy, DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT took over WERKBLiQ GmbH and their 20-strong team located in Bielefeld in October 2017. WERKBLiQ remains an independent company and offers a multi-vendor maintenance platform so that all those involved in the maintenance programme can remain networked.